Friday, June 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Bro

In lieu of your Saturday Post – here is a post for Andrew:

I heard in an audio book (Proverbs for the People) that there is a traditional calling for one member of the generation to be the griot – historian of that generation (as I am female - I would be the griotte).

They are to learn the histories and tell the stories of the past and present, and feed forward to the next generation’s griot. I have never thought of it that way, but I’ve always known it to be true. I've been telling stories about Andrew since he passed out in Costa Rica.

Another proverb in that same audio book, that like it or not, as sure as the sun goes up and down, you gotta “make your 8”, meaning - “if a man don’t work, he don’t eat.” Andrew was a hard worker. I would venture to say he got it honest. All of the Beard’s did. Once decided, the job was done. It may take a while to get to the decision, but once made, the work is nothing but something to do. He was working hard, up to the moment he was no longer with us on this Earthly plane.

There is a verse in the bible that speaks of us being living epistles, read of all men, and I still read him. He’s a good study, full of intrigue and laughter, horror and joy. I wonder what his index would look like. I wonder how many of his life choices were influenced by the bible, by the people in his life, by the movies he watched. I’m sure Godfather would inform a lot of his non-essential moral questions.

Today is Andrew’s birthday. He would have been 43. He worked harder than a lot (most) of the people I know, and he didn’t do much in the way of complaining to me. He made it up in his mind to be the hero of our family circle, and he made his 8. We all saw him as a man, but I suppose we saw the S on his chest as well.
Andrew Richard Beard Jr.
June 26, 1972 - May 12, 2015
Andrew in DC, 2009 Photo by Yours Truly
Ever the teacher-mentor. Love you Drew.
© Tiffany Monique 2009
Today the family is getting together and watching as much of the Godfather movie trilogy as we can stand.

Happy birthday, bro.

This may be the last post of mourning. This may not. I am honored to have the desire/drive to write, and I will make my 8. I think it would make Drew proud.

Whatever you do - do it with all you got. None of us gets out of this thing alive.

With word, song & prayer,
Andrew and Yours Truly, 2009

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