Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday 8.23.13

I've been doing poetry expressing myself via poetry of late, and very happy and productive about it.

But I've also been traveling and I believe I've made yet another emergence.

However you got into the family,
you're in the family now.

That's my big "aha moment" that Oprah likes to talk about in her thirty million media outlets.

Seiling Tree
© Tiffany Monique 2013

I was in Oklahoma and Texas in the first part of August (yes, I know -- two of the hottest places to go in the month of August), but I was spending time with people who didn't care about my weird ways, strange sense of humor, or social awkwardness attacks. These people loved me for me. I realized that I loved them even more than I ever thought I would.

Blood, Marriage, Adoption, Covenant. Not everyone came into my family without blood on their hands. I can recount to you, with some unfortunate clarity, some of the daggers in my back, and trauma I've suffered at the hands of a few of the people I visited. And some individuals , I must admit, witnessed my own sinister deeds. But forgiveness is, I'm beginning to see, one of the hardest expressions of love. It's easy to be indifferent, well, easier than forgiving.

Temple from the Train
© Tiffany Monique 2013

On the other side of forgiveness is this incapacitating love. I mean, it incapacitates the need to revisit the wrongs. Don't get me wrong, they come up. At some of the weirdest times you'll find yourself with the PERFECT retort to some random phrase you heard 13, 14, 20 years ago. But when you forgive them, you find that you love YOURSELF so much you just can't relive the drama. You'll find it tastes like rotten cheese in your mouth or something.

At least, that's been my experience of late.

Closer Than it Appears
© Tiffany Monique 2013

With words, song & prayer,
Here's where you can read me:
Yours Truly, Summer 2011
© Tiffany Monique

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