Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12th at 2:05am I Journaled..

Yesterday I woke up with the word FAST tattooed and blinking on my thoughts. It wasn't "hmmm, should I fast?” or "I should fast for a week… starting two days from now…” It was like a solar key chain with the work “FAST” blinking in grayscale, and pulsing from front to back of my waking thoughts.

I sent a text to a group of people I knew would understand the random, yet severe nature of my missive. It read:
Good morning... apologies if it is too early. I woke up with the check in my spirit to FAST today. For those of you who can join me please do. I won't be on Facebook and I'm also fasting all food but water until sundown. I don't know whose battle I'm addressing, but I say, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."
If you can't fast, please join your prayers with mine that the Lord's will be done, and that His victory bring great honor to Himself and His children,  shutting the mouths of the disbelievers as it did the lions in the den with Daniel. I'll be meditating on/in the books of Samuel.
God bless you all, and feel free to forward and ask others to join in if you feel led to.
I will be forever humbled that I heard and obeyed the call to fast, and was a part of the battle that took place on 5/11/15 – one month to the day that Andrew collapsed in Costa Rica.

Early in the day, the doctors were concerned because his heartbeat and blood pressure were too low, while the cranial pressure was too high. At 1:38pm, Mom sent a Voxer message – my brother Andrew flatlined, but they resuscitated him.
My brother called me shortly after Mom’s message, and he and I prayed together.

God spoke to me yesterday in the waking hour, and I listened. I am His. And He is mine. I know His voice. And He knows me. Many women prayed with me via text and individually. The wife of my pastor and a friend of mine in the American South also fasted with me. We kept the prayers going all day. There was even a point where I made up a song refrain. I suspect it will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Thank God for the people who sent loving words, scriptures, made calls, and prayed – and a doubly portion to those who continue to. I know that Andrew is playing with Moses right now!

I felt him whip a hug around my heart about 20 or so minutes before I got the news... It hurts, and I'll miss him, but I know where he is, and who he is with. I truly love my big brother. That gives me great peace.

Andrew Richard Beard
June 26, 1972 - May 12, 2015
Andrew in DC, 2009 Photo by Yours Truly
My big brother, such a dork sometimes…
© Tiffany Monique 2009

With words, song & prayer,

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